Friday, September 17, 2010

Sept 16 & 17 Cody & returning

Thursday morning Kim went fishing and caught a 14" cutthroat trout.  That was pretty much the highlight of the day.  The rest of us enjoyed the view & our rooms until after lunch.  We all went into Cody for a afternoon of sight seeing.  It was a mixed review.  We stopped at Buffalo Bill's Historic Dam.  That was interesting but the wind nearly drove us off the walk way.  Wendy took a movie of our clothes & hair blowing all over the place.  Jim & I took the in town trolley tour which we enjoyed, while Kim & Wendy did some shopping.  We all took a nature walk because we wanted to wait until 6 PM for this fantastic shoot out in front of the historic Irma Hotel.  That was a big disappointment and it cost Kim his evening fishing.  We got back about 7:30 PM and had dinner of which Kim's fish was a part of.  It was very tasty.

Friday we leisurely got ourselves packed & ready to head back to Michigan.  I guess I was left out of the loop as to what time we were planning on leaving so I was late getting ready.  I hate that!  We drove from 9:30 AM until 8:00 PM and we crossed a time zone so we lost an hour.  Needless to say it was a very long day!  We are spending the night in Valentine, NB.

So far, though, the trip has been very enjoyable.  The temp reached in the 80's by the afternoon almost every day and we have had very little rain.  We have seen an assortment of wildlife up close & personal and some breathtaking scenery.  We will be spending one or two more nights on the road depending on how far we get each day and who wins the battle of when we should stop for the night.

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